Set Up and Control Your Anonymous Browsing with Vidalia

Vidalia, a free, open-source, cross-platform application, makes setting up and configuring Web Proxy Tool TOR a snap, allowing you to surf the internet anonymously with a turn on/turn off utility. VIdalia sets up your system and helps you connect to, and monitor, Tor relays around the world, even letting you see the route your browsing is taking at the moment. You can also monitor bandwith usage and set up your own Tor relay if you want to contribute, but Vidalia's main appeal is the bundling of software and configuration tools that make Tor easy enough for anyone to use. Vidalia is a free download for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.

Vidalia [via Lifehacker]

BitNami installer for MediaWiki and More.

The BitNami project offers executable installers for lots of open source webapps, from MediaWiki (of Wikipedia) to Drupal to WordPress. Download the installer for the app you want on your computer, and in a few clicks you'll have it up and running—no configuration file editing or installing MySQL, PHPmyadmin, and Apache separately required. Sweet. All BitNami installers are free, and most seem to be offered for Windows, Mac and Linux.

MediaWiki [BitNami]

FeedDemon is now Free...

FREE Demon?  Yes, FeedDemon is Now Free!  —  That's right, FeedDemon is now free.  As in, you don't have to pay for it anymore.  Just download it and use it free of charge.  —  And we're also making NetNewsWire, NewsGator Inbox and NewsGator Go free.  In other words, all of NewsGator's consumer RSS readers are free.

Fonts and more Fonts !

Searching for a free font that suits your need is quite a challenging task. Most of the free font sites don't host the classiest fonts. Worry no-more. Here is a list of the most amazing free font sites.

Fawnt is a font resource for designers, developers and "anyone that appreciates the web's highest quality fonts".

The very visual layout makes it easy to browse through the many fonts to find just the right one, making it a worthy font bookmark.

Font Sugar promises only the most totally awesomest fonts and delivers them in both free and pay fonts. Download fonts | - all the fonts you'll ever want. - a nice new (to me) font site. Some cool True Type fonts : Peter Saville Graphic Design - fonts

Best Fonts of 2006 and some fine fonts they are! Worth a look for some font inspiration. The 100 Best Fonts (Die 100 Besten Schriften) - the site may be in German? but font names are universal.

Free Font Manifesto - a new movement to encourage more quality fonts in the public domain.

Smashing Magazine | 17 More Free Quality Fonts - because good, free fonts are always link-worthy! and finally...mother of all lists.

Top 10 lists of 2007 - via Lifehacker.

Top 20 most-viewed Lifehacker Top 10 lists of 2007 :

Fixing the IE7 'Run Once' Problem

Go to Start > Run > and type "gpedit.msc", press enter.
"User Configuration" - > "Administrative Templates" - > "Internet Explorer->"Prevent performance of First Run Customize settings".

Open that option and change the settings to "Enabled" -> "Go Directly to your homepage".

Group Policy Editor might not have any effect on the computers that has disabled it. You can use this registry hack to disable the runonce annoyance.

Start regedit.exe from Start --> Run and find the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Change the "RunOnceHasShown" on the right to: 1